Local Contacts

Anything that enters the storm sewer system enters our natural waters.

If you see a spill into or near a storm sewer or water body, call the DNR Spill Hotline: 1-800-943-0003 (or #367 cellular phone).

If you have questions about stormwater, please contact your local stormwater staff:

Marathon County:
Jeff Pritchard   715-261-6042  jeff.pritchard@co.marathon.wi.us

UW-Stevens Point:
Greg Marsicek 715-346-4929  gmarsice@uwsp.edu

City of Wausau:
TJ Niksich 715-261-6748  Thomas.Niksich@ci.wausau.wi.us

City of Mosinee:
Paul Seefeldt  715-693-3840  publicworks@mosinee.wi.us

City of Schofield:
Mark Thuot  715-571-8286  mthuot@cityofschofield.org

Village of Kronenwetter:
Greg Ulman  715-692-1731   gulman@kronenwetter.org

Village of Rib Mountain:
Dan Knoeck  715-679-8334  interimpw@ribmountainwi.gov

Village of Rothschild:
Tim Vergara  715-359-3660  tvergara@rothschildwi.com

Village of Weston:
Michael Wodalski   715-241-2636  mwodalski@westonwi.gov

City of Baraboo:
Tom Pinion  608-355-2735  tpinion@cityofbaraboo.com

City of Merrill:
Rod Akey  715-536-5594  rod.akey@ci.merrill.wi.us

City of Marshfield:
Josh Mauritz  715-486-2034  josh.mauritz@ci.marshfield.wi.us

City of Stevens Point:
Joel Lemke  715-345-5266  jlemke@stevenspoint.com

City of Wisconsin Rapids:
Nick Dums  715-421-8209  ndums@wirapids.org